By iwmadmin, August 20, 2017
Shops or showrooms, don’t you need modern & smart strategies to pull in customers & push up sales?
What about a strategy that uses mobile in each individual’s hand a medium to –
Attract more customers to your showrooms?
Digitally present your product list to customers?
Enable e-Commerce and m-Commerce so they can order & pay from mobile?
Reach more public with your attractions?
Showcase your product series, market introductions and services to all?
Turn window-shoppers or target audience to long-term customers?
Always engage clients with your business?
All locality based searches end up in your showrooms?
Broadcast your updates all around?
Make your sales contact points published to all?
Utilize advertisements efficiently for sales conversion?
Collect leads and gather customer details?
Make your promotions and offers circulated widely?
Find customer trends and interests?
Use No-Download No-Install Quick App to on-Board customers instantly & do sales conversion.
What do you think?